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Airborne Flt Training-12.05.24


Fri, May 16, 2003

EBACE Attendance 'Way Up

Last week's primo extravaganza in Geneva, Switzerland, left few wondering if the foundation for business and regional aviation is solid. It is.

The show registered 5,984 Attendees -- an increase of more than 24 percent over last year's total of 4,824. It also featured 248 Exhibitors occupying 615 3-meter by 3-meter (10-foot-square) booth spaces, an increase of 13.2 percent.

EBACE2003 also featured 25 Static Display Exhibitors, vs. 18 in 2002, a 39% -- and 34 aircraft at the Static Display on Geneva International Airport, including six aircraft present at EBACE for the first time: AC Aviation Charter/Jet Alliance's Corporate MD-83, Bombardier's Challenger 300 and Global Express, Garrett Aviation's C-I/SP retrofit, Gulfstream's G550 and Raytheon Hawker's 400XP.

Sales were good, too: Cessna Aircraft Company received several new orders at the third annual EBACE. During the convention, contracts were signed for two Citation Xs, one Citation CJ1, one Caravan, and one 206 Turbo Stationair. Delivery of the airplanes will occur in 2003.

FAA Administrator Marion C. Blakey's presence at the event was very well received; during her Opening General Session keynote speech, she called for international cooperation and flexibility in joint global regulatory efforts. European regulators who participated in the Opening General Session included Michel Ayral, European Commission director of air transport; George Paulson, Eurocontrol director, ATM programs; and Georges Rebender, JAA director of operations.

"The success of EBACE2003 shows that Europe is a vital market for business aviation vendors and suppliers," said National Business Aviation Association President Jack Olcott.

"We are pleased to see the huge growth in EBACE since the inaugural event in 2001," said European Business Aviation Association CEO Fernand Francois. "Exhibitors reported a brisk level of activity at their exhibits."

Next year's show will take place Tuesday, May 25 through Thursday, May 27, 2004, at Geneva Palexpo, located immediately adjacent to the Geneva International Airport in Geneva, Switzerland.

FMI: www.ebace.com


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