ALPA Praises Renomination Of Hoglander to NMB | Aero-News Network
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Sat, Jun 13, 2009

ALPA Praises Renomination Of Hoglander to NMB

Nominee A Former ALPA Executive

Capt. John Prater, the president of the 'world’s largest pilots union' has issued the following statement responding to the Obama administration’s renomination of Harry Hoglander to continue service as a member of the National Mediation Board.

“On behalf of the 54,000 pilots represented by the Air Line Pilots Association, International, this union fully endorses the renomination of the Honorable Harry Hoglander to the National Mediation Board.

“Harry has served on the NMB with distinction for almost seven years, and has twice served as the Board’s chairman. During the Bush administration, as the minority member of the Board, he continued to stand up for pilot and other employee interests, and the fair application of the Railway Labor Act.

“ALPA looks forward to working with the new Board, with Harry continuing his vigorous support for the Act and fair treatment of employees, restoring balance and fairness to airline and rail negotiations.”

Hoglander has an extensive background in aviation. He spent 28 years flying for Trans World Airlines (TWA), and also held several leadership positions within this Association. While with ALPA, his fellow pilots elected him to serve as chairman of TWA’s Master Executive Council. He also held a national office elected position as ALPA’s Executive Vice President.

Founded in 1931, ALPA represents nearly 54,000 pilots at 36 airlines in the United States and Canada.



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