First TSA-Approved, Secure Off-Site Check-in | Aero-News Network
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Tue, Aug 12, 2003

First TSA-Approved, Secure Off-Site Check-in

BAGS -- For Your Bags

It won't keep you from the usual humiliation at the TSA's little station, but at least you'll get to the personal line sooner, and your checked bags won't miss their flights. Just so you won't have to go through the initial line yourself, you can also get your boarding pass. Then it's directly from the hotel to the concourse security station for you and your carry-on.

You'll check your baggage and get your boarding pass right in the hotel lobby or at the convention center, at your convenience -- up to 12 hours in advance -- enough time for you to get through security.

That's what Congressman John L. Mica (R-7-FL) said Monday, as he flacked for Baggage Airline Guest Services -- BAGS(TM) -- of Orlando (FL).

In a partial effort to assuage some of the anguish caused by his baby, the TSA, he's now endorsed a private, government-approved, fee-for-service check-in -- of your baggage. This weekend was the first business for BAGS at Orlando's 1334-room Rosen Centre Hotel.

ARINC Incorporated is supporting the launch of BAGS with a revolutionary new check-in system, iMUSE Express(TM), that creates an airline check-in desk almost anywhere there's an Internet connection. ARINC hardware also prints secure baggage tags and boarding passes.

"We're delighted to support the launch of BAGS off-airport service," said ARINC Vice President of Information Technology Ruth Hough. "BAGS will be a tremendous convenience for the traveling public." BAGS service accepts travelers' airline baggage and issues a secure boarding pass. Baggage is held under lock and key, delivered to the airport, screened by the TSA, and put onto flights. Passengers just pick it up at their destination.

BAGS service is the brainchild of Orlando hotel magnate Harris Rosen and entrepreneur Craig Mateer. The two have been working to make air travel more user-friendly since the security changes that began in 2001. "We're very pleased that American, Continental and Delta Air Lines have enrolled in today's launch of BAGS service. More carriers are expected to join soon," said Mateer.

Checking your bags and getting your boarding pass ahead of time costs $10.



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