Archer eVTOL Demonstrator Lifts Off | Aero-News Network
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Mon, Dec 20, 2021

Archer eVTOL Demonstrator Lifts Off

"Maker" Full Scale Demonstrator Prototype Tests Concept Viability

Archer's eVTOL is set to take off, following the December 2nd issuance of its special airworthiness certificate. Preparing to film the moment of truth for investors, CEO Brett Adcock took a brief moment to show off Maker's 12 propellers while they began final ground tests on the Maker's propulsion systems before its first takeoff and hover trial.

The company hopes to stake a claim on much of the electric aircraft and urban air mobility market as soon as possible, before moving to build a "unique air transportation network". 

It's a common dream for many of the sustainable, green, competitors as well, as the tantalizing prospect of complete market domination lies on the table. With estimates of rapid, ubiquitous air taxi transport becoming the urban norm in as little as three years, the pressure is on to deliver a workable, safe, and certifiable aircraft before the rest of the pack. If all goes well, the company hopes that Maker will be set for production in 2023, with commercial flights starting the year after. Archer's aircraft shares much of the eVTOL DNA common to the field: banks of electric motors, propellers, a tadpole-shaped fuselage with slender, fixed wings, and tilting nacelles for vertical takeoff. Their model lies closer to an aerial taxi, seating 4 passengers (plus pilot) and taking them up to 60 miles at 2,000 feet AGL. Best of all for urban travelers beset by loud, endless noise, the Maker's propeller testing has indicated it could make as little as 45 decibels of sound while in flight. 

Archer expects the bulk of its aircraft to see service as "flight shares", an extension of the popular ride-share carpooling services that remade the transportation industry in less than a decade. The company has seen a large amount of institutional confidence, in a field so often reliant upon crowdfunding ventures to get their prototypes completed. United Airlines famously placed a $1 billion order for the Maker aircraft, with an option for $500,000's worth of more. The airline has mentioned their plans include a 200 aircraft fleet to begin an air taxi service ferrying passengers to and from airports. A smattering of investment companies, capital affiliates, and companies share their optimism, bringing with them an understated but important network that can open doors for the young Archer that likely remain closed to smaller, isolated competitors. If the initial hover testing is successful, their ambitious timeline could be rewarded, with flight testing and certification to begin next year. 



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