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July 09, 2004

How Governor Fletcher Almost Bought The Farm

NORAD Was About To Shoot Him Down Last Month

"We don't believe it can happen again." Those words from the FAA's Linda Schuessler, testifying before the House Armed Services Committee Thursday about last month's air defense incident over Washington (DC) -- one that caused the evacuation of both the Capitol and Supreme Court.

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EASA Grants BRS STCs For the Cessna 172

BRS Is Credited With Saving The Lives Of 167 People

News reached ANN, at Arlington 2004, that the EASA has granted BRS approval for an STC to install the parachute recovery systems on Cessna 172 model aircraft called the BRS-172. This approval gives BRS the ability to deliver Cessna 172 products to Europe's certified aircraft market. This approval will also accommodate the 300 plus designs for light and ultralight aircraft market. The European community has accepted parachutes on smaller airplanes for years and in Germany they are required equipment on ultralight aircraft.

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America West Pilots Indicted

Charged In Miami With Trying To Fly Drunk

Two pilots fired from America West after being accused of trying to fly while drunk gave themselves up Thursday, after they were indicted by a federal grand jury in Miami.

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FAA Denies DOD Prohibited Airspace Requests

Follows AOPA Recommendation For National Security Areas

The FAA has denied Department of Defense requests to turn 11 temporary flight restriction areas (TFRs) into prohibited airspace, the agency informed AOPA yesterday afternoon. Instead, the FAA will follow AOPA's recommendation and convert the existing TFRs over the 11 military installations into national security areas (NSAs), a less restrictive classification that still preserves the government's ability to protect the airspace when needed for national security.

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Klyde Morris 07.09.04

Uh-Oh... Klyde's Back To Name-Calling!

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Broadband's Excellent Airship Adventure

"Stratellites" To Fly Over Atlanta

You know how GPS works, right? A constellation of satellites in geo-synchronous orbit feeds information to your receiver and tells you exactly where in the world you are at that moment.

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Lt. Col. Lourake: Back In The Saddle Again

Air Force Amputee Returns To Flight Status

Lt. Col. Andrew Lourake (USAF) is about to go flying again. After a long personal struggle, Lt. Col. Andrew Lourake, the Commander’s Action Group chief at Andrews AFB (MD), has been medically cleared to return to flight status. It marks the first time an above-the-knee amputee has been cleared for the cockpit by the USAF.

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Double The Mifyter, Double The Fun?

While cruising the SportPlane area of Arlington 2004, my eyes took in the sight of an old friend... one that appeared to have gained some weight. While this is an affliction that has affected far too many of us (no comments from the peanut gallery... or the ANN Staff...); in this particular case the extra weight and width was looking mighty good.

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There's Nothing Twisted About The Twister

While making the rounds of the newer SportPlanes at Arlington 2004, I had the chance to spend some quality time with Pacific AeroSport's Chris Klix. You many remember Chris from his Glasair days and from his work with OMF aircraft, but right now he is importing one of the cutest little single seat composite airplanes we've seen in many years.

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Who Screens Those Behind The Screen?

More Stringent Checks On Airport Workers

While passengers and even air crew have to endure long lines, foot odor and perhaps even intrusive body searches, anyone with a social security number has been able to work at concourse shops in airports around the country. That's about to change.

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Former APA Chief: AAL May Fold

Says Concessions Aren't Enough To Save World's Biggest Airline

The former chief of American Airlines' pilots union says the carrier may not survive -- at least not in its current form.

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No, That's Not A UFO

It's An Airship Designed For Homeland Security Missions

It looks more like a very big volleyball than a blimp, but the designers of a spherical airship say it's the very latest in homeland security.

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More Than 100 Sign Up For B2OSH

Bonanza Pilots Pre-Flighting Now

With 100 pilots signed up and another 12 waiting in the wings, the 15th annual Bonanzas to Oshkosh (B2OSH) formation flight is getting ready for this year's 52nd EAA AirVenture Fly-In. Flightline observers should see Bonanzas arriving three abreast on both runways of 36/18 and the parallel taxiway beginning at about 3 p.m. on Sunday, July 25. But you'd better get there early; it only takes about 15 minutes to land all 100 airplanes as they arrive from their staging airport, Rockford (Illinois) Regional (RFD).

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Boeing's Third Offer Approved By Union Techs

Vote Was Overwhelming

Technical and professional workers at Boeing approved a new four-year contract Thursday, capping four months of negotiations. The new contract includes the first ever incentive plan for salaried union represented employees, guaranteed pay increases and an opportunity to form a working partnership between the bargaining unit and Boeing. The approval after four months of negotiations, avoided a strike by the 3,400-employee Wichita Technical and Professional Unit (WTPU) of the Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace.

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Port Clinton, Ohio, Residents Flock To EAA'S Ford Tri-Motor

Welcoming Back An Old Friend

If a city can associate itself with an airplane type, Port Clinton, Ohio, certainly identifies with the Ford Tri-Motor. Over the Fourth of July holiday weekend, EAA's Fly the Ford mini tour visited the northwest Ohio city along Lake Erie, which served as the original home base for Island Airlines, operators of three Fords. Demand for rides aboard EAA's meticulously maintained Tin Goose has been outstanding. All day Saturday, Sunday, Monday and again Tuesday, thousands of people turned out to see and ride the EAA Ford Tri-motor at the Erie Ottawa Regional Airport.

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Aero-News Quote Of The Day (07.09.04)

"There is no good reason that protective security measures, adopted by TSA and approved by NSA and other agencies, cannot be put in place to reopen DCA to most of general aviation. I believe that with proper procedures, training, communication and coordination we can outsmart the terrorists and restore jobs, economic activity and general aviation both in our Capitol's airport and across our nation. Industry has yet to receive any indication as to whether their proposals for security procedures at DCA are even considered." Source: Congressman John Mica (R-FL), Chairman of the House Aviation Subcommittee, at Thursday's hearings on why the Capitol and Supreme Court had to be evacuated last month. While dubious of the answers he got from the FAA, DHS and NORAD, Mica b

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So Long, Denver

Spirit Pulls Out Of Mile-High City

Low cost carrier Spirit Airlines has given up the ghost in Denver and will cease operations there after September 7th.

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Air Force C-5 Returns To Oshkosh

First Time In 12 Years

Twelve years after the Lockheed C-5 Galaxy's last visit to the EAA AirVenture fly-in, the massive cargo plane from the 439th Airlift Wing at Westover Air Force Base will return to Oshkosh for 2004's 52nd annual event, scheduled for July 27-August 2, at Wittman Regional Airport.

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AD Correction: Boeing

AD NUMBER: 2004-03-34R1 MANUFACTURER: Boeing - CORRECTION SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2004-03-34 R1 SUMMARY: This amendment revises an existing airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to certain Boeing Model 737-100, -200, -200C, -300, -400, and -500 series airplanes, that currently requires replacing existing screw, nut, and washers that attach the latch cable assembly to the latch block assembly of the door mounted escape slides, with new, improved screw, nut, and washers. The actions specified by that AD are intended to prevent the latch cable assembly from disconnecting from the latch block assembly of the door mounted escape slide, which could result in an escape slide not deploying in an emergency situation

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