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July 08, 2004


NOTAM:  4/6564  Issued:  07/08/2004 04:44  Effective:  Immediately - Until Further Notice  State:  UT  Facility:  ZLC - SALT LAKE CITY (ARTCC),UT.  Type:  HAZARDS  Description:  MILFORD, UTAH, 

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Alaska TFR: TFN

NOTAM:  4/6563  Issued:  07/08/2004 02:29  Effective:  Immediately - Until Further Notice  State:  AK  Facility:  ZAN - ANCHORAGE (ARTCC),AK.  Type:  HAZARDS  Description:  DELTA JUNCTION, ALASKA. 

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Mississippi TFR: 07/08/2004 07/08/2004

NOTAM:  4/6583  Issued:  07/08/2004 15:09  Effective:  07/08/2004 16:00 07/08/2004 20:00  State:  MS  Facility:  ZME MEMPHIS (ARTCC),TN.  Type:  HAZARDS  Description:  CALEDONIA, MS. 

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New Glastar Comes Up Swinging

With a reinvigorated update of the highly regarded Glastar (an airplane that ANN's Jim Campbell judged to be one of the industry's ten best, several years ago), called the Sportsman 2+2, the folks of New Glasair/New Glastar are announcing that they are VERY serious about regaining a solid leadership role in the sport aviation industry... and their latest move is a shocker.

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2004 NW EAA Fly-In Starts Off 'Really Cool'

Welcome To The Friendliest Fly-In In The World!

While no one is claiming that their luck can hold out forever, the 2004 rendition of the nation's friendliest fly-in has started off with great crowds, great weather and LOTS of planes and products for people to peruse. With 65 degree temperatures greeting ANN's Jim Campbell, who had just arrived from the previous day's nearly 100 degree and nearly 100% humidity (in Florida... The "Sunshine" state), the Arlington Fly-In was, literally, a breath of fresh air.

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Aero-Views: Parker-Hannafin Tort-Bashed in California

On December 19, 1997, Silk Air flight MI 185 was straight and level at FL350 after taking off from Jakarta, Indonesia, enroute to Singapore's Changi Airport. The aircraft was a Boeing 737-300, operated by Silk Air as a subsidiary of Singapore Airlines. At around 0930, the aircraft was totally destroyed, buried in mud in a river in Sumatra. All the evidence and conclusions point to suicide, but all the tort lawyers point to deep pockets -- Parker-Hanaffin's. Deja vu.

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Homebuilt Crashes Into California Home

Pilot Killed

Ross K. Anderson of Rancho Palos Verdes (CA) spent years building his Harmon Rocket II. He finished it last year and registered it with the FAA, then flew it to his office in Chino almost every day. Wednesday, he flew it to his death.

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RCAF Remembers Its Own

CF-18s Roar Over Nova Scotia In Memorial To Capt. Derek Nichols

The four CF-18s flew low as they headed for a cemetery in northern Nova Scotia Tuesday. Suddenly, one of them pulled up in a vertical climb -- the missing man formation. It was a tribute to Canadian Forces Captain Derek Nichols, killed June 28th in a US Marines F/A-18 crash at Beaufort Naval Air Station (SC).

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AirCell Successfully Tests Airborne Broadband

Company Validates Its Technical Approach, Progresses in Network Development

AirCell has successfully completed the initial phase of flight testing for its next-generation airborne telecommunications link. Average user speeds were demonstrated at 300 to 500 kilobits per second, with peak rates up to 2.4 megabits per second. These data transfer rates are comparable to the speeds seen in the latest generation of ground-based mobile phones, and are 80-160 times faster than today's typical airborne telecommunication systems.

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NTSB Eyes Three Helo Incidents

Updates On Investigations

From the NTSB... Investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board's aviation regional offices are investigating three separate helicopter accidents that happened from June 24-27. Below are updates on those investigations.

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Pilot Error, Mechanical Problems Caused Schaumburg Crash

NTSB: "It's A Little Bit Of Both"

A combination of factors including mechanical problems and pilot error caused the fatal crash of a Cessna 150 near Schaumburg (IL) one year ago, according to the NTSB. The crash killed 38-year old Mark Hsiao of Buffalo Grove (IL).

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Rhode Island Repeals Aircraft Sales And Use Taxes

Now THAT'S Tax Relief

Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri made it official Monday -- the repeal of aircraft sales and use taxes. The repeal, effective January 1, 2005, exempts the sale, storage, use or other consumption of new or used aircraft and aircraft parts from taxation. Labor charges continue to be exempt where labor charges are separately stated by the seller.

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Man Arrested In Nevada Hangar Arson

Aircraft Destroyed When Gas Bottles Explode

A 19-year old Elko (NV) man was arrested over the holiday weekend after authorities say he set fire to a hangar at the airport in Kittridge Canyon. The hangar exploded and the lone aircraft inside was destroyed.

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Harry Schmidt's Friendly Fire Case Decided

Illinois National Guard Pilot Gets Article 15

From the US Air Force... Lt. Gen. Bruce Carlson, 8th Air Force commander, has found Maj. Harry Schmidt guilty of dereliction of duty for his role in an April 17, 2002, bombing incident which resulted in the deaths of four Canadian soldiers and the serious injury of eight others. Major Schmidt’s punishment includes a written reprimand and forfeiture of $5,672 pay.

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Homeland Security, Russian-Style

Aeroflot Testing New Security Measures

Russian flag carrier Aeroflot is testing a new aviation security system that uses video cameras, X-ray machines and metal detectors.

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Boeing Gets First European 7E7 Orders

Blue Panorama, First Choice Sign On

Boeing Wednesday confirmed that two European airlines -- Blue Panorama of Italy and Britain's First Choice Airways have selected the 7E7 Dreamliner to replace and expand their existing airplane fleets. These two carriers are the first in Europe to choose the 7E7, the world's newest, most advanced commercial jetliner.

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Aussies Help Build A380

And CASA Is Devising New Regulations To Accommodate The Jumbo Jet

From CASA... Australia is playing a key role in the development of the world’s largest and most sophisticated airliner – the Airbus A380.

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FAA Fuel-Tank Safety System Tested On NASA's Shuttle Carrier Aircraft

Testing "Fuel Inerting" Concept

An aircraft normally used to transport the Space Shuttle has been pressed into service to test technology to make airliners safer.

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Chandra Looks Over A Cosmic Four-Leaf Clover

Bizarre Magnification Effect

A careful analysis of observations by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory of a rare quadruple quasar has uncovered evidence that possibly a single star in a foreground galaxy magnified X-rays coming from the quasar. This discovery gives astronomers a new and extremely precise probe of the gas flow around the supermassive black hole that powers the quasar.

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FAA Investigates Death Of Pennsylvania Skydiver

Wind May Have Been A Factor

A skydiver who jumped with several other people -- including his son -- was killed Sunday when he slammed into a utility pole. The force of the collision sheared the pole in half, according to local news reports.

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Aero-News Quote Of The Day (07.08.04)

"It was his project and he was really proud of it. Every rivet was a piece of art." Source: Frank Lyon, of Rancho Palos Verdes (CA), talking about his friend, Ross Anderson. Wednesday, Anderson crashed the Harmon Rocket II he built so meticulously into a couple of homes in Seal Beach (CA) while on his way to work from Torrence Airport to Chino. Anderson was killed in the accident. Two other people were treated for minor injuries.

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ANN Free Classifieds Featured Ad: Titan Tornado II

For Sale: Titan Tornado II

1996 Tornado II. 250hrs TT A&E. ICOM radio, fuel computer, 10 gal aux fuel tank. EAA award winner. Call Larry 505 281-6671 or  Exterior Quality: 10, Interior Quality: 9 New, will sell for $28,500.00

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AD: Kaman

AD NUMBER: 2004-13-26 MANUFACTURER: Kaman SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2004-13-26 SUMMARY: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Kaman Aerospace Corporation (Kaman) Model K-1200 helicopters. This action requires certain initial and repetitive visual inspections of the main rotor blade (blade) grips for a crack. If a crack is found, this AD requires replacing the blade grip before further flight. This amendment is prompted by an accident involving the loss of all blades because of a crack in a blade grip on the upper surface around the bolthole. The actions specified in this AD are intended to prevent failure of a blade grip, loss of a blade, and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter.

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