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December 06, 2004

Robinson Warns R-22 Operators on MP Limits

Safety Alert Says High Manifold Pressures can "Substantially Reduce" Blade Life; Alert Prompted by Blade Separation.

Robinson Helicopter Company recently responded to a main rotor blade failure with a warning to all R-22 operators. "Exceeding Manifold Pressure Limits Can Cause Blade Failure," was the title, and the essence, of Robinson's R-22 Safety Alert.

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Kevin O'Brien Joins ANN Senior Staff

"It'll Do Until He Finds Honest Work..."

You don't have to be crazy to work here... but it helps. Kevin O'Brien has that covered. One of the more colorful and knowledgeable stringers that ANN has been fortunate enough to work with, is joining ANN's Senior Staff and drawing a regular paycheck (which, in the aviation world, is something of a news item in and of itself...).

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Future Eclipse Owners Gather In ABQ (Part Five)

Investors in Raburn's 'Technological Transformation' Find Much To Celebrate

One of the more interesting aspects of our attendance at the Eclipse Owner's Conference was the chance to get up close and personal with a number of folks who put down some serious dollars in order to invest in Rayburn's dream.

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T'is The Season For... A CAPTION CONTEST!!

The minute our fearless (or so he says...) Editor-In-Chief saw this photo, only two words were heard... "Caption Contest." The twisted minds of the Aero-News crew, sleep deprived from dealing with the rigors of cranking out each Daily Aero-News edition, as well as other bits of Aero-Insanity, all of a sudden realized that it was HIGH time for one of ANN's much-ballyhooed caption contests. 

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Could the DA42 Get Any More 'Popular?'

The December 2004 issue of Popular Science magazine has named Diamond Aircraft's new DA42 Twin Star as one of the top 100 tech innovations for 2004. Other selections include the 2005 Lotus Elise, the twin Mars Exploration rovers and the AGM-158 joint air-to-surface standoff missile.

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Cessna’s Charlie Johnson Joins ATG

Aviation Technology Group’s (ATG) Chairman and CEO, George Bye, has announced the addition of Charlie Johnson, former President and COO of Cessna Aircraft Company, to the team as Executive Vice President of Operations effective December 1, 2004.

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Klyde Morris 12.06.04

No One Can Chop Daley Down To Size Better Than Klyde!

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Air Assets Keep Troops in Afghanistan Moving, Supplied

Aviators from Task Force Diamondhead are helping to ensure the success of coalition forces in Kandahar by providing air support for various missions throughout the southern region of Afghanistan. This support often comes in the form of air-assault missions, during which aviation assets are used to rapidly insert ground troops and equipment into remote locations.

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Cargo Plane Ditches In Florida

"Pilot Did An Incredible Job"

Both pilots are being hailed as heroes after their Convair 340, painted with huge, red letters that spell, "Re-elect George W. Bush" suffered engine failure and ditched in a lake near Aventura, FL Saturday.

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Baker Aviation to Support Bombardier Q400 Multi-Role Air Tanker Flight Test

Baker Aviation Services, LLC has been awarded a contract by Aero Union Corporation of Chico, CA to support certification flight testing and airworthiness approval of the Bombardier Q400 multi-role air tanker.

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It's Alive! Intelsat Regains Control of the Intelsat Americas 7 Satellite

Intelsat tells ANN that it is pursuing a recovery mission of the Intelsat Americas 7 satellite, which experienced a sudden and unusual electrical distribution anomaly on November 28. As a result of an intensive recovery effort by the Intelsat technical team, contact and control of the satellite has been regained.

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Hertrich To Leave EADS

Will Step Down Next Year In Spat Over Coporate Leadership

The trouble with running a company like a marriage is the intensity of the lovers' quarrels. So is the case with the European aerospace consortium EADS.

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EADS To Boeing: Want To Split The Tanker Deal?

Could It Be A Win-Win?

They're bitter rivals when it comes to commercial aviation. They're at philosophical odds about the future of passenger flight. Their animosity towards one another has led them to the World Trade Organization, bearing charges and counter charges of illegal government subsidies. But Airbus is now asking Boeing, in essence, "Want to partner up on the KC-135 tanker replacement deal?"

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Helios IIA Launch Postponement

Launcher Problem Forces Indefinite Delay

Arianespace says the liftoff of Flight 165, scheduled for Friday, has been postponed so engineers can the replace a part on the mission's Ariane 5 Generic launcher.

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Aero-Views: Flying While Drunk Not A Widespread Problem

No Matter What They Say In Pennsylvania

The Pennsylvania legislature this week passed a "flying while impaired" law, joining 47 other states that have laws against drinking and flying. That was in response to the January drunken, erratic flight of a Pennsylvania pilot through Philadelphia's Class B airspace and near a nuclear power plant. Gov. Edward Rendell is expected to sign it.

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Aero-News Quote Of The Day (12.06.04)

"The Department of Defense and the Air Force are in the process of reviewing their options. It will be the government that will make the decision on how to proceed on the tanker program." Source: Boeing spokesman Doug Kennett, reacting to an offer by EADS and Airbus to split the DoD contract to replace the aging KC-135 fleet between the two manufacturers. Boeing had the $23.5 billion deal sewn up -- until it was learned that the Air Force negotiator overseeing the deal had given Boeing the business in return for a comfy job at Boeing and a nice, fat paycheck. Darleen Druyun is now serving time in federal prison.

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McCarthy Gets A Scholarship

$1000 Awarded to BTC Student

Torran McCarthy, a student in the Airframe & Powerplant Mechanic program at Blackhawk Technical College in Janesville (WI) was recognized at the Wisconsin Aviation Hall of Fame Investiture Ceremony and Banquet in Oshkosh on November 6. McCarthy, 29, resides in Milton, Wisconsin. He said he was deeply honored to accept the $1000 Carl Guell Memorial Scholarship.

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AAL Allows Frequent Fliers To Help Our Troops

Donate Miles, Send Gift Package

Frequent fliers with American Airlines can donate $25 to sponsor a holiday care package for deployed troops that includes a 100-minute prepaid AT&T calling card, toiletries, disposable cameras and sunscreen.

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Change In The Air At Boeing

Management Shifts In Airplane Sales, Airborne Broadband

Boeing President and CEO Harry Stonecipher Friday announced a series of leadership changes affecting several key positions within the company.

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Utah TFR: 12/7/04

NOTAM:  4/3152  Issued:  12/03/2004 19:20  Effective:  12/07/2004 15:00 - 12/07/2004 16:30  State:  UT  Facility:  ZLC - SALT LAKE CITY (ARTCC),UT.  Type:  HAZARDS  Description:  E OF BONNEVILLE VORTAC.

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