Manufacturer AD: RANS | Aero-News Network
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Airborne Flt Training-12.05.24


Tue, Nov 02, 2004

Manufacturer AD: RANS

Airworthiness Directive: 131
October 21, 2004
Subject: Tail Boom
Compliance: Mandatory
Models Effected: All S-12 Airailes with Serial Numbers Before 01950000
Summary: Inspection of the tail boom on all Airaile models should be conducted at the earliest possible date and prior to the next flight. The inspection is to determine: Installation of the tail boom doubler sleeve. Inspect the inside of the boom to visually confirm the presence of a boom doubler sleeve. If there is not a boom doubler sleeve present, the aircraft is to be grounded and the boom replaced with a tail boom with the doubler sleeve. Flight is not recommended for any version of the Airaile aircraft not equipped with a boom doubler sleeve. The boom doubler sleeve can be viewed from the tail end of the boom using a powerful flashlight. See drawing below for location.

Visually inspect the presence and integrity of the plastic strip installed between the collar and tail boom. Take proper corrective action to replace or reposition protective plastic strip. If no corrosion is present around the collar, remove boom for inspection under the surface of the collar. No corrosion should be present. Replace boom if corrosion is present.

General inspection of tail boom at all points of attachment and total surface area for: the presence of corrosion inside and out, cracks, nicks, dents, holes, or any deformation. Replace boom as required.

This inspection procedure is required at each annual condition inspection.



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