ANN's Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule | Aero-News Network
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Airborne Flt Training-12.05.24


Wed, Nov 24, 2004

ANN's Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule

Here's The Latest News; We'll Be Back To Full-Speed On Monday

We'll be operating on a reduced basis (such as we do on weekend days) over this holiday week.

We wish you and your families a wonderful Thanksgiving, and remind ourselves that there are plenty of reasons to be thankful: we have a wonderful readership; we live in the greatest country in the world; we are in aviation --- and we have a great excuse to blow our diets all to heck.

We also have a few days of reduced scheduling ahead (about half our normal news coverage) so that we can have a little more quality time with our families (until they get sick of us and send us packing... usually about 48 hours or so into the holiday... your mileage may vary).

While we will cover the big, breaking news, should any develop (and thus urge you to tune in each day to check with us), we look forward to bringing your our reduced coverage schedule at Aero-News until we start on Monday's news.

Enjoy your holiday weekend. --Jim, Josan, Pete, Juan, Kevin, Aleta, John, Chris, Rose, John and the rest of the gang at


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