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August 05, 2008

ANN Daily Aero-Briefing: 08.06.08

A 757 makes an emergency landing at LAX.
Australia's CASA will investigate safety at Qantas.
And the US Air Force's new Chief of Staff wants lots more F-35s.

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ANN Daily Touch-And-Go: 08.06.08

A 757 makes an emergency landing at LAX.
Australia's CASA will investigate safety at Qantas.
And the US Air Force's new Chief of Staff wants lots more F-35s.

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ANN Special Feature: AirVenture Attendance, Future - 08.06.08

Tom Poberzny, President of the Experimental Aircraft Assocation, offers closing comments on AirVenture and answers media questions Sunday afternoon; ANN's Paul Plack speaks with Dick Knapinski, EAA

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American Airlines Emergency Delays A380's LAX Arrival

Plane Evacuated Using Slides After Smoke Reported In Cabin

Tuesday was supposed to mark the grand arrival of the Emirates Airlines Airbus A380 at Los Angeles International Airport, complete with a water cannon salute. But the big airliner was upstaged by the emergency landing of American Airlines Flight 31, which had just taken off from LAX to Honolulu about 8:48am, when the pilot thought he smelled smoke in the cabin.

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Should The FAA Revisit The Definitions Of LSA?

Weight Limitation Leads To Interesting Argument, Part Two

So now comes the case of David Lowe, private pilot, A&P/IA and multiple STC holder. David decided to build from scratch a Cessna 120A model, full metal aircraft with standard gear, but at a reduced weight in anticipation of the sport pilot rule. Normally, a Cessna 120 weighs 1450 pounds gross... but David used thinner skins on parts of the aircraft that were not structural, added stringers where necessary for surface conformity, and eliminated the electrical system.

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Aero-News Featured Aero-Casts For Tuesday 08.05.08

Seahawks To Oshkosh, With USN Commander Larry "BugMan" Vasquez And Lieutenant Katie "Bubbles" Scholz

ANN Daily Touch N Go: 08.05.08 (ANN's Short-Form Daily News Program) ANN Daily Aero-Briefing: 08.05.08 (ANN's Long-Form Daily News Program) ANN Special Feature -- Seahawks To Oshkosh: 08.05.08 (ANN Special Report, with Commander Larry "BugMan" Vasquez and Lieutenant Katie

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FAA, Secret Service Say Small Plane Violated P-40

Pilot 'Cooperated' With Officials

The pilot of a single-engine Piper had some explaining to do to officials Monday, after the plane strayed into the P-40 restricted area overlying the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland.

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ANN Daily Aero-Briefing: 08.05.08

Machinists are on strike at Hawker Beechcraft.
A child is missing after a 172 crashes into an Oregon vacation home.
And a Hawker 800 jet hit an antenna on a go-around.


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ANN Daily Touch-And-Go: 08.05.08

Machinists are on strike at Hawker Beechcraft.
A child is missing after a 172 crashes into an Oregon vacation home.
And a Hawker 800 jet hit an antenna on a go-around.

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ANN Special Feature: SeaHawks to Oshkosh - 08.05.08

ANN's Paul Plack speaks with Commander Larry "BugMan" Vasquez and Lieutenant Katie "Bubbles" Scholz, two US Navy officers who were among a group which brought two SH-60B SeaHawk

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OSHCast 2008: Aero-TV Celebrates The 30,000th Homebuilt Aircraft!

AZ Homebuilder Becomes Part of Aero-History

Yuma, AZ homebuilder Bob Noll's RV-9A airplane was recognized as the honorary 30,000th US-registered homebuilt at a ceremony Thursday morning at AirVenture 2008. Standing on stage with his daughter Katrina, who came to AirVenture with him, acting FAA Administrator Bobby Sturgell, FAA Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety Nick Sabatini, EAA President Tom Poberezny and EAA Founder Paul Poberezny were on hand to recognize the milestone of 30,000 homebuilt airplanes registered.

OSHCast 2008: Aero-TV Celebrates The 30,000th Homebuilt Aircraft!

AZ Homebuilder Becomes Part of Aero-History

Yuma, AZ homebuilder Bob Noll's RV-9A airplane was recognized as the honorary 30,000th US-registered homebuilt at a ceremony Thursday morning at AirVenture 2008.Standing on stage with his daughter Katrina, who came to AirVenture with him, acting FAA Administrator Bobby Sturgell, FAA Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety Nick Sabatini, EAA President Tom Poberezny and EAA Founder Paul Poberezny were on hand to recognize the milestone of 30,000 homebuilt airplanes registered.

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USAF Nominee Wants F-35s, And He Wants Them Now

But Where Will The Money Come From?

Hoping to build momentum for the proposal ahead of a new presidential administration, last week President Bush's nominee for Chief of Staff of the US Air Force surprised lawmakers with the announcement he had been given approval to plan for more purchases of the F-35 Lightning II fighter jet between 2010 and 2015.

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American Airlines Pilots Sue To Block Overtime

Wants To Ban Practice To Curb Furloughs

Hoping to block American Airlines' reliance on flight crews flying more hours to maintain schedules, even as the airline moves to furlough 200 pilots, the Allied Pilots Association sued the carrier Friday for the right to tell its members not to work voluntary overtime.

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CASA To Look Into Safety Practices At Qantas

Calls Move A Preventative Measure

Following a highly-visible incident onboard a Qantas Airways Boeing 747 last month, and two less serious incidents over the past 10 days, Australia's Civil Aviation Safety Authority says it will investigate safety standards at the Australian flag carrier.

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Active Duty, Reserve Command Combine At Pope AFB

Integration Saves Time, Money... And Promotes Teamwork

Members of the 440th Airlift Wing Command Post at Pope Air Force Base in North Carolina recently merged with the 43rd Airlift Wing Command Post as part of the Air Force's continuing initiative to operate more efficiently. Since April 1, both Reserve and active-duty controllers have been operating from the same schedule and sharing the same mission.

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PowerFlow Systems Offers 'Something For Almost Nothing'

Bolt-On Exhaust Systems Tout Better Power, Economy

It sounds like something from the back pages of popular newsstand magazines... like "run your car on water", or "magnetize your fuel line", but surprise! There actually are real systems that deliver both higher power (read, better rate-of-climb) and better fuel economy to boot. And its devotees are almost religious in their fervor to spread the word.

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SimCom Launches New PC-12, Citation Ultra Simulators

Equipped With Glass Panels, High-Viz Displays

SimCom Training Centers has added a second Pilatus PC-12 simulator to its Orlando, FL training center, bringing the total number of PC-12 sims in its fleet to three, all of which are built in accordance with FAA Level 5 standards. The company also recently introduced its fourth Citation simulator, for the Citation Ultra.

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NASA Appoints Miller To Lead Shuttle SRB Project At Marshall

Received "Silver Snoopy" In 1999 For Contributions To Safe Manned Spaceflight

NASA announced Monday that Edwin H. "Hank" Miller has been named booster deputy project manager in the Reusable Solid Rocket Booster Project Office at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, AL.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (08.05.08)


August 5, 2008, marks the 19th anniversary of the merger with USAir (now US Airways) and the end of scheduled operations as Piedmont Airlines. While the "Route of the Pacemaker" no longer exists, the spirit of Piedmont that came to life on that fateful day in February, 1948 lives on in the men and women who served our customers with that "Piedmont know how"!  

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (08.05.08): Air Route Surveillance Radar


Air route traffic control center (ARTCC) radar used primarily to detect and display an aircraft's position while en route between terminal areas. The ARSR enables controllers to provide radar air traffic control service when aircraft are within the ARSR coverage. In some instances, ARSR may enable an ARTCC to provide terminal radar services similar to but usually more limited than those provided by a radar approach control.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (08.05.08)

"Being furloughed twice in such a short period of time, especially when it's so easily avoidable, would be a tremendous hardship for these pilots and their families."

Source: Captain Lloyd Hill, president of the Allied Pilots Association. APA sued American Airlines Friday for the right to tell its members not to work voluntary overtime, as the carrier looks to asking crews to fly more hours to maintain schedules, even as the airline moves to furlough 200 pilots. APA says some of the pilots slated to be cut, as American works to slash its workforce by 7,000 jobs, are pilots who came off furloughs within the past several months.

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